Introduction Is it possible to travel for free? Can you really spend a week in Morocco, bargaining with Bedouins, exploring the casbah, and wandering ancient caravan roads -- without spending a single penny of your own money? Can you fly off to London at a moment's notice, take tea, see a show, and go on a shopping spree at Harrod's -- while someone else picks up the tab? Is it possible to travel through the former Soviet Union, exploring what remains of this crumbling empire -- and then deduct the entire trip from your taxes? In a word, yes. People -- just like you -- do it every day. The obvious question, then, is how? The answer is that it takes a bit of creativity, a dose of old-fashioned ingenuity, a little leg work, and, most important, a great deal of reliable information. You'll have to come up with the imagination. And you'll have to invest the time and energy. But we can provide the information. With this information, you have everything you need to know to travel wherever your dreams may take you...without ever worrying about the cost. In fact, you may even be able to make money on your next trip.